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ARTICLE: Garwood Recreation Needs Real Attention, Not Window Dressing

By Clarissa Nolde |  Published in The Hawk,  October 13, 2022

The Garwood Republicans are running for office this year, in part, by taking credit for a “renaissance” in Garwood Recreation. Facts do not bear out this claim. While it is true more programs have been offered since the hiring of a recreation director, it is also true that many have had to be canceled due to low enrollment.

Mayor Sara Todisco supported the creation of the new Community Engagement Committee this year to provide a dedicated member of the Council with primary responsibility for the Recreation, Celebrations, and Historical Committees. She placed this responsibility with Councilwoman Salmon. Unfortunately, Councilwoman Salmon undercut her own ability to carry out the initiatives of the Community Engagement Committee by supporting the elimination of the Public Information Officer in the Borough as a cost savings measure. There is no one now specifically tasked with keeping the public informed. The Fall program schedule was posted to the Borough Facebook page on Aug. 29 and the flier instructed interested parties to pick up a brochure at Borough Hall. By this late date, many parents would have already made commitments to other activities. Furthermore, the brochure was not sent to Lincoln School for email distribution until it became clear that many programs had little to no enrollment. Programs canceled due to low enrollment is a direct result of the late and poorly organized rollout.

This spring, Council President Blumenstock suggested doing a full audit of the Garwood recreation programing to look at enrollment and inform the planning process. She also advised new offerings should be made for the special needs population. In addition, she asked that the Fall/Winter schedule be distributed to the full town, either by mail or through a walking drop that she offered to help organize. This way the brochure would reach the target population of families of preschool-age children and adults without children in school. Councilwoman Salmon did not act upon any of these suggestions.

Our Recreation Director added many additional classes and offerings to people of all ages, unfortunately, Garwood residents either never received the Fall Recreation flier or received it too late. As the Chair of the Community Engagement Committee, Councilwoman Salmon holds the responsibility of the oversight of that committee and as such should take responsibility for the mismanaged rollout and ultimately the canceling of classes. Councilwoman Salmon is looking to be Mayor of Garwood, but I think that her record shows she still has a lot to learn about collaboration and teamwork, skills essential for an effective Mayor. I ask that you consider Council President Jen Blumenstock for Mayor on November 8th as she has proven those skills over the past six years. I also ask for your consideration for myself and Councilman Lazarow as we seek positions on Council. Together we are the team that can move the Recreation Department and all of Garwood forward.

Clarissa Nolde
Candidate for Garwood Council

Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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