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ARTICLE: Embracing Garwood Together

By Karina Boto |  Published in The Union County Hawk, September 20, 2023

Embracing Garwood Together

In the past weeks, I have been asked why I am running for Council. My answer is simple. I have been volunteering for a long time--painting fences at a nearby church, sorting books and school supplies at an underserved school, spending time at a local food bank, greeting people, and doing anything that enriches people’s lives. This type of work is vital to my spirit and it’s a vital part to belonging to a community.  Engaging with our neighbors, volunteering on town committees, making connections on a local level – that is what Garwood is about.

When I moved to Garwood eight years ago, I was looking for that sense of community. I started with the Green Team beautifying local areas and doing street cleanups. This work gave me a sense of accomplishment, and it exposed me to the people who cared about my new hometown.  It also lessened the time and  money an official department would spend on these tasks. As time progressed and I became aware of new issues, I joined the Citizen’s Parking Committee. I am now part of the Mayor’s Citizen Advisory Panel where I gather information, listen to members' concerns, and exchange ideas to better our town.

Acts of good improve lives. Emotional health is rewarded when we participate in altruistic behavior. Volunteers help address pressing social challenges when resources are scarce.  Volunteerism is contagious– we can increase social capital and strengthen our community.  Volunteerism is ingrained in American society. 77.3 million adults volunteered through an organization last year, and their time is worth a staggering $163 billion in economic value. 

Here in Garwood, community engagement between residents and Borough officials is a top priority. My team wants to enhance and strengthen this relationship.  We have concrete plans to advance this engagement including the creation of a new Stakeholders Committee composed of residents, local community leaders, faith-based organizations, local school personnel, police officers, and human service organizations. This group will advocate for our residents, bring in new opportunities for volunteers and work to improve the well-being of both the old and young here in Garwood.

I have made working with the community an integral part of my life and I will continue to be generous with my time.  I will remain impartial and most of all, open to all points of view.  My passion and genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of all Garwood residents makes me an ideal candidate to represent Garwood. I look forward to hearing about what’s important to you, and to earn your support for me and my team (Vincent Kearney and Sean Keagan Foley) by Election Day on November 7th.  Thank you!

Karina Boto

Garwood Council Candidate


Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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