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ARTICLE: Action, not Words

By Sean Keagan Foley   Published in the Union County Hawk, September 12, 2024

In my brief tenure as a councilman, I made it my mission to be a man of action. I didn’t just talk about understanding the process—I underwent the necessary training to grasp the intricacies of governance. I didn't just claim to care about the people of Garwood—I walked every street, seeking to meet and talk with every constituent, not to ask for their vote, but to listen, to understand their concerns, and to serve them. Why? Stopping division in our town was my number one concern. As I spoke with residents, I took action, one step and one knock at a time, to alleviate the issues brought to my attention.

When faced with the choice of Council committees, I didn’t opt for the easy route. Instead, I took on a difficult assignment, chairing the Finance committee, because authentic leadership means facing challenges head-on, not shying away from them. When a block of residents signed a petition, I didn’t just read it and move on—I met with every single person to hear their concerns and work towards a solution. I attend every business opening in our community, celebrating the entrepreneurs who are the backbone of our local economy.

When it comes to keeping our children safe from the harms of technology, I don’t just speak words—I take action. I meet with community stakeholders, including parents, educators, and local leaders, to discuss solutions and brainstorm ideas. Our children’s safety is paramount, and I believe the best way to protect them is

through collective effort and community connections. By working together, we will find practical, effective solutions in Garwood that ensure our children can navigate the digital world safely.

So why am I telling you this? Too often, politicians today are all talk and no action. They make grand promises and deliver little. I, for one, am tired of words without action, and I believe the people of Garwood deserve council members who feel the same way. Look at what we have accomplished in just a few months, and imagine what we can do together in three years!

What I am continuing to offer is action—getting my hands dirty and doing the hard work to help this community thrive. I am committed to real action, not just empty rhetoric or making social media noise. That’s why I’m running, and that’s why I’m asking for your support, along with your support for my running mate, Chase Padusniak, who shares my commitment to action. You can find us on Column A on your ballot. Let’s keep moving Garwood forward—together.


Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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